School Opening Hours
The school hours are 8.50am through to 3.20pm equating to 32.50 hours per week.
Morning drop off:
To give the children more responsibility and time for organising their belongings and getting settled for the day, the front gate opens at 8.30am and children go straight into class. Registration is at 8.50am. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will be at the gate, greeting the children and taking messages for class teachers or the school office.
The gate closes at 8.55am and if children arrive after that time they are marked in the register as late.
Afternoon collection:
All classes leave at 3.20pm and we ask that parents of Hedghog, Owl and Fox classes to wait for their children on the front playground, near the exit point for the relevant class so that we may easily identify parents. Squirrel class parents are asked to collect their child from the classroom.
We ask parents to supervise younger children on the school site at all times when waiting for older siblings and if you stay to chat, please do supervise your children as they are your responsibility at these times.