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Squirrel Class

Welcome to Squirrel Class! 

We are a small class of Reception children. Our teacher is Miss Gallagher and our teaching assistant is Mrs Honour.

We have a lot of fun and love learning through play. We can choose our own activities that excite and interest us during Discovery Challenge time. We also enjoy taking part in focus activities, Maths, Phonics (Read Write Inc), PE and Forest School.

Inside the classroom, we can select our activities from a range of resources, construction, role-play or getting creative with clay, sewing or painting! Outside, we have a mud kitchen cafe, water play, construction, bikes as well as other focus activities based on our topics. We can chose to play inside or outside everyday! 

Each term has a different topic and focus. If you would like to know what our topic is for this term, please look at the curriculum overviews below. 

We use on on-line programme called 'Tapestry' which is an easy to use and secure on-line learning journal designed to help teachers and families celebrate the children's learning and development throughout the year. Each child has a profile, accessible by Squirrel class teachers and the child's parents. We record the child's learning throughout the week and monitor progress. We ask that parents register themselves on the programme so that they can see what is going on in class, celebrate the wonderful learning and achievements and upload their own content to share with the teachers, should they wish to do.

This is a wonderful way of ensuring regular communication between school and families and sharing all the fun and learning that goes on in class with parents on a day to day basis so that they too may celebrate the children's progress and achievements as they learn and grow each day.

Thank you for visiting our page! 

Welcome to Reception